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Minas de Almadén upholds a commitment to the environment based primarily on:

Flecha Research projects.

Cartel del proyecto MERSADE. Un mundo sin mercurio es fácil…

Between end 2006 and March 2010, MAYASA developed the MERSADE-LIFEproject ( with CENIM-CESIC and the EUPA -UCLM as partners in the project.

The main results of the project were:

  • The design and construction of a prototype for temporary safe storage of metallic mercury.
  • The development of a technique for stabilization / solidification of mercury metal and mercury containing wastes via a sulphur polymer cement for a final disposal. The final product is a solid material that has a high resistance to corrosion and environmental degradation, which is a form of disposal that offers all the environmental guarantees for it.

Safe storage prototype for mercury metal. Project LIFE-MERSADE Safe storage prototype for mercury metal. Project LIFE-MERSADE

Flecha Minimize the impact of its past activity

  • Restoration of industrial heritage. The most important project is the construction of a mining park in Almadén.
  • Plans for the restoration and recovery of the environment. These include the restoration of the Entredicho mine, that of the San Teodoro tip, etc.

The exploitation of the Almadén mines over the centuries has produced much waste, furnace slag, cleaning slurry, demolition rubble, etc., which have produced the Cerco de San Teodoro tip. It has a height of almost 60 m, average slopes of 36° and gradients of up to 65%. Its volume totals nearly 3.5 million tonnes .

The restoration was completed in 2008, with an investment of 8.5 million euros. Currently perform tasks of monitoring and control to ensure the long-term landscape integration and stability in the environment.